Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jewelia Starts a New Dance Class

While Jewelia was doing well at the local dance class for her first try at dance, we decided since it didn't work out for Micah, that we would take her to dance at the studio where Micah actually enjoyed dancing. So, not a big deal, but a little frustrating
trying to get things organized.

Jewelia didn't care so much. She mostly just loved having different princess dance outfits to wear.

We started her in a new class in January of 2009. It was a much smaller class with only about 6 girls.

It was probably better that it was small, as these girls mostly just stared or cried during class, as you can see from some of the following videos.

As you see here, she is the only one dancing! I think it is hilarious!

They started learning a dance routine for the spring recital, and Jewelia picked it up really well. We were glad she wasn't shy about dancing!

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