Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2011 Dance Recital

The time had finally come for Micah and Jewelia's Spring Dance Recital.  Of course, I guess it really wasn't Spring, it was the middle of June.  We shall call it the "End of the Season Dance Recital".  

Micah and Jewelia were all dressed up fancy for the big day.  The day before they had dress rehearsal to practice.  I think most of the pictures and video I took from that, but the rehearsal came pretty close to the real thing.  They both did great!

Here is Micah rehearsing on stage in his ballet number:

Here is Jewelia posing before her number:

First Micah did an awesome tap dance.  He is such a great tapper!  We loved every minute of it!

Then here is Jewelia in her ballet dance!  If you look at this dance compared to the one she did last year at the old studio, you will see HUGE differences!  This one had such better choreography and demanded a little more from the dancers.  She was so cute!  (Oh, if you are wondering, she is the one second from the left.)

Last there was Micah's ballet number.  Let me tell you how impressed we were with Micah's improvement since the parent watch night in December!  It was incredible!  Micah was so awesome and did so well!  We were so proud!  (He is the boy on the right.)

It was a wonderful evening and they did so well!  We were all so very proud!

Good job fabulous dancers!

Monday, October 24, 2011

2011 Dance Costumes and Pictures!

 It was 2011 now and getting close to the Spring Recital.  The costumes had come in and the studio had a day for all the dancers to get their pictures taken.

We were a little worried about Jewelia this year because unlike the old dance studio that let you do your hair however you wanted for the pictures, this dance studio required all girls to have a slicked back bun with no bangs.  It wasn't the bun we were were worried about, but the bangs.  How were we going to get Jewelia's bangs to stay slicked back and not fall down?  

Well, we wet, we combed, we sprayed, we used a lot of gel, and in the end success!

Jewelia looked like such a princess in her ballet costume!  

Micah was 11 now and he had 2 dance costumes.  First, for tap he had a fun baseball costume!

We thought it was great since Micah never liked sports.  To him, dancing was a sport.  In all his school papers when asked what his favorite sport was, he would say dance.  

For Micah's ballet costume, it was a traditional white kind of fancy shirt and some nice black dance slacks.

Here he with Jewelia thinking something must be pretty hilarious!

Here are how their actual dance professional pictures turned out.  

First cute Jewelia:

Then Micah's tap and ballet:

So handsome!  
They both looked great!

We couldn't wait for the Spring Recital!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The New Dance Studio

   Micah and Jewelia had started at a new dance studio this year.  Jewelia was 5 years old and Micah was almost 11.  We hoped that the new studio would be able to better instruct Micah in ballet as a boy and that Jewelia would learn a little more dance steps and be challenged more with better choreography.

Right before Christmas they allowed the parents to come into the classroom to watch.  

Jewelia was doing much more than last year.  Her class even had a Christmas dance prepared.  
She is the one with the light pink leotard.

Micah was learning all sorts of new moves, and it was nice, because his ballet class had 2 other boys besides him.

Micah was also taking tap.  They were practicing a number for the Spring recital that involved baseball bats.

He still was pretty awesome at his spin tapping:

They were going to dance to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame".  Here they are working out the first section of their dance: